I loved this long part and the only thing I want to say is dance if all three agents go to the funeral and Lois is *alone* to guard to prisoner - surely her curiosity will get the better of her and she will enter the cell and attempt to have a normal conversation with the prisoner?

'Are my parents OK? Jonathan and Martha Kent from Smallville, Kansas.'
Awww, that is so Clark. I was also thinking what is the first thing I would write after 7 years of being help captive and I guess would follow Lois' train of thought with the not so lady like words. But this, what the prisoner wrote, characterises Clark so well that even after more than 7 years, his first concern would be his parents (or Lois if he knew her then laugh )


He was planning something.

He was planning it now.


Lois sprang from the bed, checked her weapon, strapped her gun holster to her ankle, pulled on jeans and a sweater, and grabbed her bag. Five minutes later, she was speeding through the dark streets of Metropolis towards Bessolo Boulevard.
And from the preview: I am actually wondering if Lois will later find out that her gut feeling was right?

Looking forward to part 8 and then the next story
