Moyne has friends in high places. Lois asks Dan about Clark's family, and the next day Moyne is telling Lois that the alien will try to manipulate her by attempting to appear human... such as by mentioning family. Hmmmm....

I am thinking Lois's gut is dead on. I have several scenarios playing through my head:

- Moyne breaks into the closet, takes a kryptonite rod, and enters the cell to attack Clark. Lois rushes in to save him.

- Or, just the opposite. Moyne follows Lois into the cell and attempts to murder her. Clark saves Lois. (I'll just bet he tried, unsuccessfully, to save those other two also. Which is more than most people in his position would do.)

- Moyne attempts to get a little too familiar with Lois up in her office. Clark, whose powers have now returned, flies through the one-way mirror, saves Lois by grabbing her out of Moyne's grasp, and carries her up through the roof as he escapes his prison. (hehe. I think I like this the best.)

- none of the above?

I still have doubts about Clark and why he doesn't talk. Is he so conditioned that he still doesn't dare, even though Lois has made it clear that she wants to communicate with him? Or is there more to his silence?

How very Clark of him to ask about his parents. When I read what he'd written, my heart just went out to him. Come on, Lois, trust your gut! (Maybe that should be added to the title. (You) Trusting Me, (Me) Trusting You, and (Me) Learning to Trust Myself Again)

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster