So, there was something up there about maybe Sunday, and I have been clicking that old "refresh" button ever since. Unfortunately, I wasn't in a position to nag, because <ahem> it seems I never got around to writing you a single line of feedback, even after three chapters! All I could do was suffer in silence, hoping you'd post.

Until just now. Yippee! Sue posted! goofy
You don't have to worry about the airfare--.
Yes, I remember that line from the night before. <going back to check exactly what it was>:
Airfare? Not a problem. I'll fly us. You see, I'm Superman…
I wonder, was he really planning on blurting it out just like that? We may never know, since Lois never let him finish.

Bad enough to refuse his offer to spend the weekend in Smallville, but then there was this:
Your mom tried to put us in the same room last time, remember? God, I think I'd die if she did that again.
Ouch. dizzy

And now, Lois is in some sort of metal container with light shining through the (wooden) *floor*?

More, please!

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster