I've never really had any desire to go to Kansas, but if Clark's flying, I'm in!

First things first: Lois' incarceration...

I was inclined to think that she was being held in a shipping container since she'd been watching the docks, but would the floor be wood when everything else is metal? I am really bothered that she yelled for Superman for so long w/o him hearing her. That ups the ante a bit for me. Where could she possibly be? And in the midst of all the angst, I found myself chuckling that of course Lois should have insisted that they had dinner prior to a movie, so that when kidnapped after the movie, she'd have a full stomach. wink

I absolutely adored the entire exchange b/t Lois and Clark from the moment he stepped into the car until Bobby Bigmouth showed up. I loved her internal monologue -

Clark got in and leaned across the seat to kiss her. She turned her head and he got her lips instead of her cheek.

"Good morning," he murmured and kissed her again.
Yeah she did; yeah he did. smile1

...She wanted him...
Woohoo! Enjoyed that and the surrounding introspection. And given the next topic of conversation I'd say that Clark is likely in just as much emotional turmoil as Lois.

*sigh* So he asks her to Smallville. Lois' reaction is very Lois, but I can't help but wonder, was he working up to actually telling her he was Superman in car? Or were the nerves simply about his asking and her response?

In an instant the spell is broken and the drama is heightened - someone is targeting Superman... hmmm.

Those guys, and several others who our caped friend has had personal contact with, have all been offered a million dollars if they could come up with something big and juicy about Superman."
Like that he's in love with Lois and would go crazy to get her back if she were to be kidnapped?!?!

"Get back in the car. If Bobby knows I'm here, then Twitchell probably does too. There's no sense in sticking around here. Besides, how were you planning on getting back to the Planet? It's not like there's an abundance of cabs in this part of town."
These are the moments I imagine Lois will remember over time after finding out Superman's identity and a *facepalm* will ensue.

Then she blinked a couple of times, disbelieving her eyes as a tiny shaft of daylight shone through the floor.
Very intriguing indeed. It was only just as I was copying this quote that I fully processed that the daylight was shining through the floor. Where the heck is she? Gah! Can't wait for more.