Yes, giving us the story with the past and present is working really well--we get face time with the two of them, meanwhile we're wondering what's going to happen to Lois. Brilliant! cool

She wanted him. His smile, his touch, his laugh, and the simple comfort of his company. She wanted to spend every minute possible with him.
Her joy at his wanting to spend time with her was quickly replaced by terror that he wanted to spend time with her. They'd be on his turf, not neutral ground. If things turned sour, she couldn't simply go home.
Lois, honey, make up your mind! I know she's insecure, but you'd think by now that she'd realize hanging out with Clark wouldn't be so bad. wink

Now, stuck in this chilly, oppressively dark prison, Lois would much rather be sitting next to Clark on a plane. Hell, she would be happy to be sitting in the cramped confines of her car in the midst of another interminable stakeout.
See... told you, Lois. wink

Excellent part, Sue!! Can't wait for more!! hyper

Anyone wanna go to Kansas this weekend? Let me know in the FDK thread and I'll send Clark by to pick you up.
Me! Me! Please pick me! I never get to go anywhere!! grovel

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink