This is one of the first stories of yours that I have read, and I now understand why so many people were so excited about a new MLT fic. I just checked out the archive site and see that I have a lot of fun reading ahead of me. :-)
Not all my stories are all that great. blush This fandom has witnessed, I think, my evolution as a writer. I'm still too wordy (a problem brought on by my profession). But at least I think I've improved since writing my first story (but then, I couldn't have gotten much worse). laugh

well, one thing led to another, and four years later, I married him. <g>
Now you've given away the whole plot! Molly and Lois move to Canada and get married! Well, so much for this story having a surprise twist! laugh

As for when to post... You guys were supposed to agree on when I should post! How am I supposed to figure this out on my own? grumble Maybe I'll go to my usual every other day posting for now. I need to have the whole thing posted before Canadian Thanksgiving, though, since I've got company coming and likely won't be able to post then. So I'll have to play it by ear, I guess.

As for the change between the part I orgininally posted and what is in this story... Maybe I just decided I didn't like the other version and rewrote it. wink Of course, that might not be the case either.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane