I'm wondering if, given the lack of response to part 1b, if posting two such long parts on succeeding days is a bit much for people to keep up with.
That is the case for me. I've kept up so far, but it is the weekend now. Tomorrow begins a new semester for me. The start of a semester, especially the fall semester, is always extremely busy. I'm not sure whether I would be able to keep up with reading daily posts, much as I would want to.

So I'm wondering if I should post the next section on Monday at midnight instead of tonight at midnight. I don't want to get too far ahead of people.
But some readers having to fall behind doesn't necessarily mean you should switch to every other day. I, for one, don't mind having a backlog of parts to read as time permits. smile

And I am very much enjoying the story thus far. This is one of the first stories of yours that I have read, and I now understand why so many people were so excited about a new MLT fic. I just checked out the archive site and see that I have a lot of fun reading ahead of me. :-) I've just added your name to the list of authors I am keeping whose works I want to read.
