It's nice to see another person who shares an interest in both L&C and SH.

I did briefly try the PBS version of SH, but I had a hard time with the anachronism. To me, an occasional piece of comedy or fantasy aside, SH belongs in Victorian and, to a lesser extent, Edwardian England. I have no problem with him visiting other eras *as the plot demands*, but I saw no reason for the PBS show's change in time other than trying to make him more accessible to modern audiences -- which, frankly, I find an insult to my intelligence. (Yes, I also like my Shakespeare 'straight up', so to speak. IMHO, changing the time or location from the one Shakespeare had intended serves no purpose other than novelty for novelty's sake. And yes, I know I am probably in the minority here.) huh

In any event, I'm glad my mixing and matching these two very different fandoms worked for you. smile
