Firstly ... smile1 because it showed me that the groundwork I'm trying to establish is actually coming through the story.

The mother ... uhmmm. wink

Next part ASAP - hopefully over the weekend.

Thanks for your interest.

Iolanthe, Dandello & Pedendang Thanks for the grammar lesson (and the humour)! It's amazing what you learn on these boards.

Lisamaree Thanks for your FDK. I'm glad you're reading along and finding the fic enjoyable. Some of your thoughts are pretty close to the mark.

Now ... about the ... uhm intimacies of Kal's life.

My suggestion is this ... when we get to the end of this fic, do yourselves a favour and come back and read these early FDK threads, because they are really, really entertaining - (not to mention informative and incredibly creative) particularly when you know the answers!

There are a few lines in there that I'm still chuckling over.

Thanks again guys. I'm off to work on Part 10 ... Part 9 just came back from Iolanthe.
