Just wanted to pop by and say I am finding the premise of this story intriguing. I like the idea you are working with here, and the way you portray Kal is believable (without the influence of humanity or his folks in Kansas, but still having some of those qualities (even if he doesn't know he has them) that make 'Clark' so endearing in the L&C universe). Like others I am keen to see more of this story and where you take it.

In terms of the discussion here regarding Kal and his concubines/intimacy...
You may find that social pressure expects someone of Kal's office to have concubines - whether he uses them or not is up to him. I would assume concubines are required not to gossip outside the house of El, so no one would ever know, however Kal would appear as is expected of him to the other nobles and his people.
Also remember, that Kryptonians believe in "saving themselves" (as mentioned by Zara in S4) for the one in their heart (which is what is implied), so unless there was an immediate need for an heir, consummating the marriage may not be as important.
That's my take on this New Kryptonian society from what we've been shown thus far. *shrugs*

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box