I loved Terry's comment. But hey, for myself I've read so many comics where Superman's character and good intentions have been in doubt. No, he's never been as bad as he is here. But after all this time the idea that Superman may not always, in all his incarnations, be entirely good, is no longer a shocking idea to me.

Mind you, I like it when Superman/Clark is good. I like it really very much. It is the only way I like him. Of course.

But I don't think I like him flawless. Not any more. Particularly not compared with Lois. If she is deeply flawed and he is flawless, I lose interest in reading about them.

I hope this image doesn't disappear as I try to post it, but whether it does or not... the picture shows that the idea of a dark Superman is not a new one.

[Linked Image]

Okay, Bru! I'm ready for a slightly nicer Clark now, please! thumbsup


P.S. At least Lois didn't die!!! Yo-hooo!!!! hyper jump