One of the FOLCs has a in her sig a statement from Bruce Wayne describing Clark as possibly being "the most human of us all. Then he shoots fire from his eyes, and one cannot help but think of him as a god. And how fortunate for us that it does not occur to him."

I'm sure I've mangled the quote, but that's the essence of it. A Superman who doesn't respect the rule of law, of the rights of people, of civilizations to choose a form of government, is terrifying. And a Lois Lane who bends her powers and abilities to help him conquer and rule is just as terrifying.

I see one glimmer of hope, that Lois has sacrificed herself to serve Kal while limiting his predation ("Save New Zealand for me, dear?") and setting him up for Luthor to take down with the last of the Kryptonite on Earth. As much as I admire Superman and would love to have his powers, a rogue super-being cannot be allowed to survive.

If there's a next chapter, I will steel myself to read it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing