Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! *hugs FoLCs*

A bit of a tease, but a very cute ending
I know, BJ, I know. I tried to get them to tell me what happened next but they refused! goofy

AH! Clark Kent! You're not supposed to be like other guys!
Well, he's not, Lara, but sometimes he is. smile I know my own husband would probably be thinking about some obscure movie in that situation!

I think there are a lot of elements highlighted here, too many to just breezily compliment this as a sweet early-marriage fic.
Thank you so much, Kathy! I really was trying to bring out a few very definite ideas, and I'm happy it was successful.

Remember the aphorism, 'God is in the details'? I think love might just be in the details too.
Alcyone, what a beautiful thought; I love it.

PS So what's else is up your sleeve?
A couple things - an alternate pilot story that I've been working on for over a year, and after that, a certain secret agent story that you might remember... wink

I thought it was kinda erotic too!
This made me panic a little - suddenly I was worried that maybe all the talk of undressing and breasts was over the line for gfic! In any event, I'm flattered that you think so. blush

None of us married Superman, and yet there are so many things that sound as if they come from the scrapbook or our own memories
Elisabeth, you've noted exactly what I love about Lois and Clark - they're extraordinary people, but still they're just people with thoughts and emotions and experiences like those of so many others. I'm glad the story felt familiar to you.

It takes a good understanding of Lois and Clark as people in order to properly convey how they would be as a married couple, and you do a great job of this.
Extra thanks for this, Jenn!

A couple of you wondered why Lois felt so badly, and the truth is I didn't actually pin that down. It could be the imminent arrival of trusty Aunt Flo, or it could just be a crap day. I hadn't actually thought about pregnancy, but it could be that, too. In fact, I suppose this story could take place just a few days before In the Still of the Night . Yeah... I totally planned that! goofy

Thanks again, everybody. I'm truly appreciative of all your kind comments. Thank you for reading my story!

lisa in the sky with diamonds