Oooh! Commenting as I read. (it's the best way. *giggles*)

Although now that I think about it, she’s impressed by pretty much any meal that requires turning on the stove, so I don’t need to try very hard. I do anyway, though, because it’s for her.
That's amusing and sweet and... aww! (yes, be prepared, I have a feeling that most of my comments will consist of "aww!")

I think that was wife code for ‘If I have to tell you what to do, then don't bother.’ Apparently I have to navigate this particular minefield all on my own.
Yeah, and you'd better not set one off, buster. Cause you're not supposed to be "like other men". :p

I have no idea how I survived day to day before her.
mmm... can you guess what my comment is going to be? Yes... that's it... "awww!"

I turn it off. I take one last look around the room – Candles? Burning. Water? Steaming. Bubbles? Um, bubbling.
*giggles* Ah! that is SO cute!

"Would you like me to undress you?"
*giggles* *blushes* *runs to hide under the desk before someone sees her like this*

Lois obviously isn’t in a talking mood, so I close my eyes too and tune into to a college football game on the neighbor’s radio. There are 23 seconds left in the 2nd quarter when she speaks.
AH! Clark Kent! You're not supposed to be like other guys! You should be sitting there and thinking about... god knows, something that has to do with tiles or... whatever! not listening to football and pretending you're there for your wife. razz

"Penny for your thoughts," Lois says after a few moments.
Don't listen to what he says, Lois -- I'm sure somewhere he was still thinking about the football game. Men!


But tonight... it's like that flame has gone out, and since that's the light I live by, I can't see well enough to help you reignite it.
Ah, darn.. that's so beautiful. *sniffles* awww!!

The end was just..hee! cute and a bit naughty and... wonderful! Great job, Lisa! I loved this. thumbsup

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies