Why Mz. Lisa, this is just lovely! What a nice little vignette to distract me at work! I am a huge fan of Season 4, so I really love married fic -- when it's done properly. It takes a good understanding of Lois and Clark as people in order to properly convey how they would be as a married couple, and you do a great job of this.

She makes a noise that’s a cross between a murmur and moan, and I hope it doesn’t mean ‘get away from me.’
Ha. Has he looked in a mirror lately? Anyone who tells him to get away from her is certifiably crazy. That being said, I love that he worries about this; long gone are the days when the mere presence of Superman is enough to distract Lois from whatever she's thinking about.

This is one my favorite parts of this new thing called marriage; I come home to Lois, my friend, my wife, and I hold her, and the stress of the day escapes out my toes. I have no idea how I survived day to day before her.
I absolutely love this line. It shows how essential she is to his very being. That like Superman needs the sun, Clark needs Lois. I can see this story being set before "AKA Superman," where he confirms to her that she sustains him, as it shows that he is starting to really realize just how much truly he needs her.

She's quiet for several seconds before looking up at me. My heart almost stops when I see a tear rolling down her cheek.
This, plus this ...

Lois leans her forehead against my chest and I put my arms around her to unsnap her bra.
... seriously had me wondering if she was either sick or pregnant. She seems so weak and lifeless.

"Really? I'm..." I'm at a loss for words. Lois watches soap operas. I never would’ve bet money on that one.
This cracked me up, especially how he trails off in disbelief. And I can totally see Lois doing that, too. Not that I ever do it myself or anything. wink

It takes a long time to fill a bathtub, and there isn't a single thing I can do to speed it up.
This is a great detail about Superman as the most powerful man on earth versus Clark as Lois' husband.

This is the first time I've ever undressed her when it wasn't a prelude to love making. I wonder if she's thinking about that, too.
I love that, too. It's sensual, but subtle. The way you write it shows both the love and the lust that he feels for her. And you play it just right because now wouldn't be the time for him to be getting all hot and bothered over taking her clothes off.

Before I met you, I ran on fear and anger and righteous indignation. You made the fear disappear. The anger and righteous indignation come back when I need them," she says with a smile, "but, mostly, you keep me going."
I appreciate that she acknowledges that she hasn't totally changed -- that she can still be angry and indignant; which he loves -- but that he has helped take away some of her pain.

And the ending is adorable. I love that with his super reflexes, she is still able to pull him into the bathtub before he knows what's happening.

This was just wonderful. clap I look forward to your next story!

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"