Oh, right, there was a TAS episode with Tribbles. I'd definitely forgotten about that. Thanks for the info, Marcus!

...as for Tribbles popping up everywhere, at the rate they reproduce, I'm not surprised, really. *giggles* Oh, look! There's even one in my office:

[Linked Image]

Breanna - thank you for the comments! smile I'm not really sure how I could continue this, honestly. How about:


"Wait," Lois said, shaking her head. She tore open the small packet she held. Taking a truffle from it, she raised her hand to Clark's mouth. On his questioning look, she replied simply, "Open up."

He obliged, letting her feed him the chocolate, though his expression remained one of puzzlement.

"Chocolate and Superman," Lois explained with a grin, "now, you're completely irresistible."

~ The End? ~

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies