No'shing," she replied, desperately trying to hide the evidence by swallowing the mouthful of chocolate.
"No'shing" - that says it all! I can see the look on her face so plainly.

"I'm liberating it from the box. Before it turns bad. Clark, I'm saving the chocolate."

It seemed like an eternity ago that he'd caught Lois stealing a truffle from a box exactly like that one. Though in fact, it was just the day before.


There wasn't a newsroom to go to anymore. There wasn't even a Daily Planet. The building had gone up in a ball of flames, and with it the livelihood of so many people. And as if that hadn't been enough to shatter Clark's own hopes and dreams, the worst blow of all had come when he had learned that Lex Luthor had proposed marriage to Lois.
I really, really love that this story has solid before-and-after line. The moment when everything changes always fascinates me because there's so much depth to explore. In this case, the chocolate scene shows how sweet and even innocent life was before compared to how it is after.

devil in a three-piece suit
Great line.

"But the last time I looked, Kent, you weren't him."

"Yes, Lois, I was." With that, he removed his glasses and took a step forward. "I've always been. You just weren't looking closely enough."

Lois sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes growing wide.

"Now," Clark said, putting the glasses back on, "could we please talk about Lex Luthor?"
I've always enjoyed matter-of-fact revelations, and this is a really good one. He's pretty much saying, "We don't have time for your histrionics, there's something important going on here, you can yell later, for now listen to me!" This is what he should have done in the show. And it's a great zinger of an ending!

lisa in the sky with diamonds