I swear I’m not making this up – a store with a sign that advertised “wallpaper and saw sharpening.”
I just love this! There's a business in Wisconsin that sells taxidermy and cheese and another in Iowa that sells a laundry list of products for manly men, including guns, liquor and ammo--a frightening combination!

One of the nicer things about running away from home is that you don’t really have to keep to a schedule.
Gee, I never thought of Lois as an optimist. wink

I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry when I finally saw my ‘cottage’, but then, ever since my wedding day, laughter and tears had felt like they were in close competition, both just under the surface of my emotions and neither one willing or able to come out.
It sounds melodramatic, but it was as if the darkness of that silent night had invaded my soul, and the sunlight was powerless to touch me.
How poignant and tragic.

The first two meetings with Clark are hysterical. And the way Martha told Lois that she knew who she was, was so sweet.

“I think the best beginnings are in Smallville.” Then, as if to prove it, he leaned down and kissed me, and even though it was our first kiss, it felt as easy and natural as breathing. I was content to remain there forever, with his lips warm and sweet on mine, and when he made as if to pull away, I tugged him back, not ready to let him go.
How sweet!

And up there in his arms, with the Kent’s cornfield spread out beneath us, I realized for the first time that I was in love with him.
I love how pure and innocent their love is for each other. Your Lois, as broken as she is, is so much more accepting of Clark, and all that he is.

There was more to say – a lifetime’s worth of things – but Clark was a good son, and when he was sure I had pulled myself together, he swung me up into his arms.
This says so much in so few words.

I had fallen in love with an entire family, and they had accepted me and loved me back.
What a delightful alternative to the way I did it.
