Arawn, thanks as always for your comments! And Vonceil, thank you for providing the link to the Saxe poem. I was afraid when I wrote it that that reference was going to be a little too obscure, and it looks like I was right. At first, I wanted Lex to be the trunk - since that's the part the blind man thought was like a snake - but "He was the trunk" really would have been confusing, given that the word 'trunk' has several meanings. I might change it to "elephant's trunk," though, in the archive version. smile

All right, I'll admit, I started reading this with full intention of "blasting" you... Field of dreams belongs in Iowa (there's Heaven for ya!), not Kansas.
Whew! Thank you for forgiving me, Jo! I guess it's probably a good thing I never could figure out how to work in the heaven quote laugh . I came *this close* to using it during the flying scene and decided it would be over the top.

I wish I had a Martha of my very own.
Oooh, me too. I adore writing Martha - something I'd never have guessed when I started writing in this fandom - and manage to work her into just about every one of my stories. I'm so glad you enjoyed this take on her.

Thanks again to everyone who has commented! You've all just blown me away with your response to this story. sloppy
