Lois was drawn to the way it seemed that he actually cared about his students. It was obvious that his lessons took a lot of careful thought and planning. His comments on their papers were a contradictory blend of soothing and provoking, sometimes leaving Lois so incensed that she’d spill out another hundred words of a rebuff, clarifying her point and falling into the trap Mr. Kent had undoubtedly set up.
Hee hee - Clark's provoking her just as if they were working together at the Planet - LOL

The case, her *career*, her conscience reminded her fiercely, obviously disgruntled by her baser instincts to ravage the poor man.
LOL <snort> her conscience really shouldn't berate her like that - none of us blame her. Ha ha.

The lesser half of Lois jumped for joy while the career driven part stalked off to sulk.
Hah - yes! In this story we have a Lois Lane with 2 identities instead of Clark - LOL goofy Sorry, I'm feeling a little silly this morning. <g>

“Of course,” Lois smiled and Jill nodded. As they drove off, Clark watched from the window, hating himself for how much he cared.
Awwwww <sniffle> Poor Clark!

“Sir?” she said, stopping the retreating pizza boy. “I’d also like to order a slice of jalapeno, anchovy, pineapple and goat cheese pizza.”

Both the boy and Mr. Kent gaped at her.
LOL!!! OMG!!! <totally snorting> Eeeeeewwww, gross!

Feeling like he had just lost a battle he hadn’t been aware he was fighting, it took Clark a moment to refocus.
Heh - yes, you're in trouble now, Clark. <g>

“Mmm… You’re right, Lois. That was delectable.”

Round two for Clark Kent! He thought victoriously as she stared at him in disbelief. He grinned mischievously and set about polishing off a second slice of the slightly more normal pizza.
LOL! Oh Laura! I loved this part - it was too cute! <g>

Sorry my comments weren't here when you got back... but they are now! <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.