Loved this part!

It was easy for me to visualize this meeting over pizza. I do some volunteer work with youth groups and I work for the Parks Department, so this summer at work I got drafted to sub as a day camp counselor. Although I enjoy sitting and talking to the other adults during meal breaks, I have found that things are more successful when I make a point of sitting and eating with the kids, teenagers included. Not trying to be one of them, but listening to them, finding out what they are interested in, figuring out whether they are having a good time, and making sure that everyone is involved and no one is left out.

This brings up a problem for Clark, small compared to Lois's apparent friendship with Lexy and Jill, but still a problem. With three people in a group or on a team, someone often ends up feeling left out. With the other two on the team pairing up, Clark needs to make sure that Lois does not feel left out of the group, but if he gives her a lot of attention, she is likely to misinterpret the reason. Add in the attention he is giving her because he thinks she is getting in with the wrong crowd and things will really be subject to misinterpretation. Clark needs to be careful about too much sparring with Lois--some is OK, expecially because he won by finishing the pizza, but too much makes it seem that he is trying to be her peer, not her teacher.

I can't wait to see where this story is going. Enjoy your vacation but write more soon, please!