Woohoo! A new chapter!

“Of course,” Lois smiled and Jill nodded. As they drove off, Clark watched from the window, hating himself for how much he cared.
Yeah, Clark is starting to notice Lois and care for her, even though it's not right. He realizes that and is trying desperately to fight it.
Clark turned toward his desk and avoided watching her go. He couldn’t understand why a smart, pretty girl like Lois Lane was hanging out with Jill and Lexy. It was obvious that Lois didn’t lack the confidence to ignore the girls. He couldn’t figure it out and deep down it nagged him. There was something wrong with the entire scenario, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. Sighing, Clark stood up and decided to walk home—anything to delay the inevitable return to his empty apartment.
When will he figure out that Lois is not a student? He already realizes that something is not right.
“Mr. Kent asked me to join his writing team,” Lois shrugged and chose her next words carefully. She knew that such an “uncool” extracurricular could damage her chances. Time to lie. “I so don’t care about writing, but he’s like, really hot. So I said yeah.”

“Mmm… Hot is right. But don’t mention him around Lexy. She gets a little upset,” Jill lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Don’t tell anyone I told you this, okay?”

Lois nodded enthusiastically and leaned closer.

“But Lexy totally had a thing for Mr. Kent in the beginning of the year. One day she stayed after school and tried to flirt with him a little. He wouldn’t budge at all. He completely ignored her attempts. So she got a little angry and she completely offered to sleep with him.”

Lois’ eyes widened.

“Just like that? She said. “Mr. Kent, I want to sleep with you?”

Jill giggled and slapped her arm. “No, she didn’t sound so stupid. She said in this low voice, oh she would kill me if she knew I was telling you this, but she goes ‘Clark Kent, I can make your wildest fantasies come true.’” Jill burst out into giggles and Lois was hard pressed not to join her as she pictured the scenario.

“Oh my god! Poor Mr. Kent! I bet he flipped.”

“Hell yeah. He firmly told her to go home and the next day he had transferred her out of his class. So the whole Mr. Kent thing is a touchy subject for Lexy.”
I wonder if Clark heard this conversation.
“Too much free time, Mr. Kent? You wrote nearly as much as we did.”

Clark blushed, a little thrown by his student’s teasing. He wasn’t used to this. Lana had never teased. And his mom loved to, but he was so use to her good natured jibes he barely registered them anymore. None of his students ever teased him. Except this fascinating contradiction sitting in front of him.
Hum...something that he and Lana never had...banter. And he misses/likes it. This could be a plus.
Clark rested his chin on his hand as he watched Lois struggle to eat her slice. About halfway through, he gently pulled her plate away from her and replaced it with a slice of cheese pizza. After glaring at him warily for a few moments, she accepted the slice and proceeded to eat with a vengeance.

Clark idly glanced at the half eaten pizza and shrugged as he took a big bite. Lois gaped at him as he casually finished the rest of her disgusting pizza and leaned back contentedly.

“Mmm… You’re right, Lois. That was delectable.”
That was more of a thing for a freind to do and not a teacher. Hum...

Laura, do know that I am really enjoying your story and really look forward to your posts. However, I don't have a lot of time lately to post proper feedback due to grad school. Just know that this is an awesome story and I look forward to a certain few to have updates frequently.

Now, please don't abandon this story and post again soon!



I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.