I'm going to have to look for other things than sexiness in your story
Ahhhh, Ann. You know I love you, Sweetheart, right? And your comments are always so deep and well thought out... and I don't always agree with you but I usually have the sense of mind not to argue with you. <sigh> But not today. wink

As far as the statement that I quoted above... I think you are dead wrong. See, for me, there is a huge difference between the words "sex" and "sexy". HUGE!!! I think a story can be enormously sexy and enthralling without the main characters ever actually jumping in bed together. Sorry, I'm an old-fashioned girl. I grew up on the old Cary Grant movies. And that's not to say that Cary Grant didn't occasionally end up in bed with his heroine... but of course you never actually saw that happen.... However, I digress. Back to my point. I think you can have scorching hot kisses and make out scenes in story... you can have almost tangible UST (unresolved sexual tension) and in my book, that makes a story "sexy" beyond definition. I think that kind of sexiness can be better than a scene where they romp in the hay <shrug>

So I'm sorry, but I do have to disagree with you that you are going to need to find something other than "sexiness" to enjoy in Sue's story. I think her story is chock full of "sexiness". It might not be chock full of sex itself, but "sexiness"??? Oh, heavens, yes.

And, to set the record straight... <heh> I championed Sue to write a story that allowed them to get married in Vegas. I said I didn't want them to consummate the wedding right off the bat because I wanted the story to be chock full of UST... I wanted it to be so heavy that it made you groan at the sexual tension between them <yummy>... HOWEVER... (Sue, don't make me find my e-mails... LOLS) I didn't tell her that they couldn't EVER consummate. But since she wasn't writing nfic at this time (and personally, neither am I) I did respectfully request that it be a PG-13 story... which, let's face it, you can have a beautiful love scene and still have it be PG-13... I thought Sue pulled that off exquisitely in her PG Platonic.

And technically, I don't know the ending of this story yet. However, if by some miraculous chance, Lois and Clark decide to "remain" married... well, whether you actually get to see it or not, there's gonna be some consummating going on <snort> it's just an eventuality -- even if it's behind closed doors like in those old Cary Grant movies.

Okay, and now I've blathered on quite long enough about that. I'll put away my club and quit beating that poor dead horse.

On to some quotes!!!

Clark would protect Lois to his last breath. If they were both in a hospital it meant that Clark was...
That made my bottom lip quiver. It is so true. Somehow I just know that if it came right down to it, Clark would throw caution to the wind, risk everything... to save Lois.

She stopped in front of their room and tried the key card in the door. The light flickered red and she let out an exasperated sigh and tried again. This time the light went green and she pressed down on the handle and opened the door.

"Don't you want me to carry you over the threshold?" Clark teased as she moved inside.
It's stuff like this that makes your writing so real for me. I've had those stupid keys do that exact same thing to me <huff> And the carrying over the threshold comment just made me snort out loud. <g>

Clark hung up the phone. "Whatever you say, dear."
Again - <snort>

Even knowing that it was just for show had not stopped her toes from curling.
Hee hee - just wait till the next kiss!

for just a moment he had let himself pretend he was really hers.
This was already mentioned by someone else but I too loved how he "phrased" this line -- he was hers. Awwww!

Clark looked at the way the dress was draped over her soft curves and found he had to clear his throat to answer. "I'd say I was the luckiest man in the world."

Clark froze, his gaze momentarily stuck below her face. "Uh, you look... wow. You look amazing."
LOL!!! Uh, Clark, her face is up... there... <snort>

"Hey," Clark said as his arm went around Lois's shoulders possessively. "You're talking about my wife."
Mmmmm <drool> how I love Possessive!Clark.

Clark gulped as he was treated to a glimpse of the inner swell of one breast just before it was decisively pushed against his ribs. He cautioned himself to never again even glance at anything lower than her shoulders. While he couldn't forgive Mickey for saying it out loud, he understood perfectly how looking at Lois in that dress had made the gangster feel. He hadn't been able to look squarely at her all the way through dinner.
Almost the entire length of her body was now pressed tightly against his, not to mention the fact that she was breathing so close to his throat that he could close his eyes and almost imagine they were necking.
MMMM, yes, there's some of that UST.

Married, the voice in her head mocked her. You're married to him now - you should be able to kiss him whenever you want. Try it - just see if he feels the same way.
Eeee hee hee - yes, try it, Lois! It's true!!!

Clark was sitting against the headboard of the bed with his shoes off and the television on. He looked over at her and then smiled. "Wow, it's every bridegroom's dream. Are those flannel pajamas?"
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Lois!

I loved the fight for the bed and the discussion about the "shotgun" wedding - that made me laugh out loud when Clark asked her if she had something she wanted to tell him. Ha ha!

Then that KISS! Holy heck that was sexy as h*ll!!! I'd have to quote the whole last part of the story to quote it, but just know you left me in a gooey pile of drool on the floor each time I read it. I beta'd it like 5 times because you kept adding to it and it kept getting better! Woo baby!

Oh, but then we got Begging!Clark - which is just SOOOOOO yummy drool

"Lois," he whispered as he broke their kiss. "Oh god, Lois, we have to stop."
Clark forced his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender. He had finally found his limits; found the one thing besides Kryptonite that he was powerless against. His wife. His legal, lawful, wedded wife. He had thought she felt amazing beneath him but that was nothing compared to how she felt astride him, her body pressing against his in all the right places as her mouth teased his. Clark turned his head to the side, clenching his fists to keep from touching her again.

"Please. We have to stop. I can't keep going like this." His voice was thicker than usual and her inner muscles contracted when she recognized the raw need in his tone.
Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm!!!!!

Loved part 3, btw, but where's my sneak at part 4??? Come on, don't leave a girl hanging. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.