Ah, Jojo, full marks for getting in there first. I'm glad that DJ and I can torment you on a regular basis. It may become my purpose in life.
one of the reasons I loved season one and season two was the banter between the two of them.
Me, too! Their banter was what kept me tuning in week after week and the thing I missed most in the later seasons.
At the rate they're going, this is going to end up in the nfic folder.
Hee! Not likely. This is where I can tell you what DJ's request was. She wanted a Vegas wedding that doesn't get consummated but had lots of unresolved sexual tension.
I just love the way you discribe everything. The places, or the looks on their faces, and the way they're dressed. I can just see the images before me!!
Thank you! I worry that I tend to be in so much of a rush while writing that I leave stuff out. It's reassuring to hear that you can picture it in your head. smile
That was one little hot and steamy scene there at the end. It amazes me how you can do hot and steamy so well without this being in the Nfic folder.
Sometimes it's more fun to walk right up the line than to cross over it.
I'm also still curious to see why they're in the hospital, and intrigued by your hint in the FDK for the first part, Sue... I shall have to keep reading
That's the whole point of those little teasers - just to whet your appetite for more.
As for that line about the pajamas making him not want to ravish her five times, of course it's true. He wants to ravish her more than that, although not all at once.
Don't go thinking that conversation is finished just yet. wink
Come on you big tease! Nfic please!
Heh - but it's so much fun to tease you! laugh
(forgive me, Sue and Woody, for presuming that you aren't always perfectly together and self-assured and sure of what you want all the time).
OMG! You *are* reading my journal, aren't you? It would be far easier to list the few times I've been perfectly together and self-assured and sure of what I want. I would imagine (hope) that most people are that way. My Lois is, that's for sure. But then, so is Clark. That was the best part about the characters in LnC - they were complex and had foibles that made them *real* to me.
I've been so sick for the last two days, Sue - glued to the bathroom sick - so it was a doubly nice treat to find this.
Awww, Lisa! I hope you're feeling better now, you poor thing. thumbsup

Thanks to everyone for encouraging me. I know I've pledged my love to all of you before, but it's worth repeating. <sniffle> I wuv you guys!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis