I don't usually quote, but this paragraph caught my eye.

"I know that. I guess it was having you call me your wife that made it seem so much more... authoritative, you know? I know you like me, at least a little. After all, you have asked me out, even if we never actually went on a date. And now we're married and I've never even kissed you. Not for real, I mean. It's always been because someone was threatening us in some way. Just once I'd like to kiss you without worrying about whether we're going to survive it."
For some reason, that last sentence made me laugh out loud. I don't know if you meant it to be hysterically funny, but it is! Usually a couple has their relationship in mind when discussing romance. Lois and Clark have to talk about imminent destruction.

Good story! Keep up the great work!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing