Continuing on the OT . . .

Ann wrote:
Me the super-feminist should probably keep my big mouth shut... but I can't help adding my own two cents to the discussion about a woman's suitable marriage age. In case you want to marry someone when you are twenty-one, because you fear that any possible future husband of yours will consider you too old if you wait any longer... well, think of it like this. When you are twenty-one years old, you have two choices. You can die right away and leave a beautiful corpse. Or, you can stay alive, in which case you will grow inexorably older every day you go on living. Okay. So if you fear that a future husband of yours will consider you too old to marry if you are twenty-three, or twenty-five, or twenty-seven, or thirty, then how can you be so sure that he will love you when you are married to him and you have become twenty-three years old? Or twenty-five? Or twenty-seven? Or thirty? Or forty? Or... you get what I mean.

So marry for the right reasons, you youngsters out there. Marry because you are in love and trust this guy and want to share your life with him. Don't marry because you are twenty-one.
You're right. You know, I'm thinking of making a crusade over to Europe this summer, if I can get my plans together, since it *is* kind of late. But I *am* going to go. It's been a dream of my life, and seeing as I've grown up my whole life in the very conservative Happy Valley, though I have traveled quite a bit with my family, it's just not the same. I'm not going to become a bird stuck in a cage, considering the ability to jump between branches as the ultimate freedom. You're right on, Ann, when you say that we can chose to live, and eventually love and thus continue living, or we can chain ourselves down to mediocrity in such a way that we'll never be free of it.

Anyway, that was my rant. I apologize if my soapboxes are getting on anyone's nerves.
