I agree with Terry. Great chapter - not just fluff. Very important stuff here. I can't see it going well when Lois finds out the truth. However, I think there might be two different reactions depending on circumstances.

If Clark is the one to tell her "Lois, I'm Superman," Lois won't trust him at all. All she will see will be the lies - not the reasons for lies. Her internal opinion of Clark will be the basis for her actions. To her, Clark and Superman are two different people, and her opinion of Clark is rather low.

Now, if Superman was the one to say "Lois, I'm Clark," well, I think her reaction would be different. She would still be mad, and hurt. She might question whether she can believe what he tells her, but her ability to give him another chance will be much higher. She's already forgiven him for taking off on her the first time. She loves Superman. You are always more willing to work with and forgive those whom you love.

Lois won't be able to help super-imposing her feelings and beliefs for the two seperate people of her mind onto whom ever does the revelation. She feels completely different for Clark than she does Superman. I feel the amount of Lois' anger will be regulated by who does the confession.

Obviously, all my $0.02. smile

Can't wait for the fireworks! We will get there, right? Sometime? Soon? Please?
