Completely OT too:

It's not just your university. YOU ARE COMPLETELY AND ABSOLUTELY SPOT-ON! I have the guy-troubles to prove it!

Why ARE guys in such a hurry to hook up, anyway?

And why can't they tell the difference between love and puppy-love?

Btw, 21 is far too young for anybody of our generation to get married. I'm not getting married till I'm 30. In my culture, that's horribly old.

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.