Oh goody! More fdk!

Hi Elisabeth - fdk is fdk, no matter how large or small. I'll take it how I can get it. <g> I'm glad I caught you off guard with the bad guy - that admission made my day. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Lara! PleaseDontLeaveMe!Clark - hee hee, I like that. We'll have to add that to our list of "Clarks" to use. <g> I totally laughed at your next comment with all the "dreamy sighs" - hee hee.

Hah - yes, no delicious puns - go stick those over on the "n" side. <g>

Yes, it was just a dream - but what a dream, huh?

Glad you liked the cliffhanger... err... hated it. <g> That makes my day. I hope to have another one or two good cliffhangers left. <g>

Thanks so much for the fdk, Lara, glad you are still enjoying the a-plot!

Hi Laura S - I hope you are having a fabulous time on vacation and aren't missing us at all. <g> I am totally tripping over the fact that you read all 18 parts in one night. WOW! And I'm so glad you loved it. Thank you for all the compliments. The next part will be coming soon.

Hi James... err... I mean his "muse". Yes, please chain him to that computer of his... He's got work to do. :p I look forward to his comments (P.S. - your signature line totally cracked me up when I read it).

Thanks again everyone! Not sure when part 19 will be up. It's been washed and dried once already and is off for it's waxing now - maybe by Thursday at the latest?

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.