But now her hand was cramping and her eyes were tired.
Just a thought... I know the journal is handwritten, but wouldn’t she have been able to type faster? Of course sometimes using a computer for typing when this story was set wasn’t always worth it...

“Ask me again later... it’s not important right now.” She attempted to pull him into another kiss, but he resisted.
Yes, it is!!!!!

Lois wasn’t sure exactly what had awakened her from her dream,
Figures... You minxes.

Somehow I just knew there was going to be a break-in.

I loved how she figured out that there was something wrong with the medicine she was made to take. I loved how Clark's endearment for her, "honey", was what made her start thinking about her own medicine.
And, oh, gadfries, I wondered if this was ever going to come out! I've been such a good girl and kept my mouth shut, DJ (and Sue). But, man, has it been hard knowing this all along...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~