Hi Jackie! Thanks so much for the fdk! You can look for part 18 sometime today. I'm checking one last small change with Sue and then it will be posted.

And yes, I think you know what I mean. <g> Look for a special note at the bottom of part 18.

Hi Andreia!!! <<<hugs>>> I've missed you and Jackie both!!!! I'm so glad you're still enjoying the story and loved part 17 so much. Thank you for all the time you put into that detailed fdk - I LOVED it!!!

DJ, this is... perfect! It's so beautiful and touching I've no words to describe it. [Notworthy] I thought I couldn't melt some more, but I was wrong. - I'm tearing up in a public place too. -
Yay!!! Oh thank you! That makes my day. <g>

Yes, I was bad, I'm sorry - I didn't post yesterday. Still had some revisions that Sue and I were working on. <g>

Look for part 18 sometime today!!! I'll get it posted just as soon as possible!

Thanks again everyone!!!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.