Okay, I'm back!

I'm so glad you all enjoyed this part!

And Jen, thanks for the cute fdk thread title - you actually teared up in a public place? <g> Hee hee. I'm sorry you've had a bad weekend... um... I like to write (and ride) roller coasters... Let's just leave it at that. <g> I think at this point we have about another 5 parts tops. I think it should be done around part 22.

Ha ha ha! Lara, you kill me - and no, it's not like you contributed and posted any of those type of posters yourself... heavens no. <g>

YOU were defending DAN? WOW! <Houston this is mission control...I'd like to report mission accomplished and we are coming home...> <g>

I'm so totally squeaking over the fact that we made you cry. If there are tears, then I know it was good. <g>

Will you stop it with the "interruptus" already? sheesh!!!
Soooorrry. I thought this one wasn't so bad myself - I mean at least we didn't interrupt the make-out session or proposal. <g> Thanks for all the fdk Lara!

Hi Jessi! A puddle of WAFF-induced goo - woohoo! Glad you liked all the b-plot action and the proposal. Hope you had fun in WAFF-heaven. Hang on to that waffy feeling. wink

Hi Nancy! Thank you for the fdk!

Hi Ann! Thanks for all that delicious fdk! I thought you just might warm back up to Clark in this part. And it looks like you did, it took a little bit to get there, but...

This is the first time I like him and feel for him in this chapter.

Hmmmm. I like seeing him grovelling

Even though I'm still simmering and seething with a sort of residual fury, I approve of this. It's true that Clark has admitted his wrongdoing this time, and he never did that before. That makes a big difference.

Ahhh!!! Finally I'm able to love Clark again. With or without her memories, Clark wants Lois!
YAY!!! <g>

Your comments about "Bare is beautiful" were cute. <g> I'm glad you agreed with Clark's reason to wait. And I'm glad you thought the proposal was sweet. I guess Sue and I have made you cynical reader, you're always so suspicious of us... I'm just not sure why... wink Thanks for all that lovely fdk Ann!

Hi Jojo!!! Hahaha! Begging!Jojo is back! <g> I've missed her. wink Thanks for the fdk! It would be so nice if she woke up tomorrow like that, wouldn't it?....

Hi AnKS! Glad you enjoyed that. LOL at your browser stopping at such an inopportune point in the story. Made me laugh just a little that you hated to scroll down... see I can be good sometimes. <g> And yes, I will be back with part 18 as soon as I can - however it's in the middle of rewrites thanks to some lovely fdk and suggestions from Sue... so it will still be a bit. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Elisabeth! I did enjoy my little trip. Thanks! I know - we are so mean to Dan, aren't we? Who knows, maybe he'll get a chance to redeem himself later???

I think you're right. I think Lois really did want her Jeep and really wanted to talk in a quiet comfortable place... I don't think she was doing that to be mean...

Yes, I totally agree... with the kind of stress Clark is under not to screw things up, it can be easy to make mistakes - hard to see the forest for the trees. <g>

Thanks for the compliment on writing the characters so well.

The line about "How did we ever meet?" was supposed to be one of those (pardon the expression) "schmoopy" little lines... you know the ones... when you are dating and you are kind of overwhelmed that you found this special someone and how easily you might not have found them? Lois is kind of overcome here by the moment and the proposal and everything... and then Clark tries to lighten to mood a little (like he did so often in the series) by saying "I blame Perry" - Perry was the one who introduced them and then made them partners. <g> Sorry for any confusion over that line... <sigh> maybe I was one of the few girls who said "schmoopy" stuff like that...

Thanks for the fdk!!!

Hi Maria! You hope she *didn't* take her medicine? Hmmm, now why would you be hoping that? I wonder? It does seem to be helping her memory... Hee hee - thanks for the fdk!

Thanks again everyone! I loved all the comments!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.