Yay! We didn't scare you all away with the a-plotting!!! smile

Now I feel like a whiny baby... forgive me, patience was never one of my strongest virtues. smile

Hi Symbolic! Thanks so much for the fdk. Man - all this hostility towards Dr. Peterson. I love some of the theories that the readers are coming up with - I find it all very interesting.

Yes, the situation with Dan is bound to get interesting. smile Thanks!

I wanted to take this moment to say that the fic is finished in outline form... I know exactly where it's going and what's going to happen (I've kind of known all along, but there were some pesky little details and plot holes that needed fixing <g>) I still don't know how many parts there will be total. I'm thinking at least 20 but not sure if possibly more than 20. Now I just have to get my lazy butt in gear to get it written and passed on to Sue so she can play with it and add to it as she sees fit.

Hi Nancy! I'm so sorry to hear you're stressed out. I hope things are looking better this week (and hope you are now "gainfully employed"). Thanks for taking the time to tell us you're still enjoying it!

Hah! Hasini! Glad you enjoyed that icon. I have no idea if it can be added to the gremlins or not. I use the Firefox browser and downloaded the "Smiley Xtra 4" and that's where I get a lot of my icons.

Hi Jessi! Isn't that always how it is? I find it most irritating that when I have plenty of free-time, I can't concentrate on writing or reading to save my life -- and my muses usually up and abandon me. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you're enjoying the a-plot. And yes, there will be plenty of b-plot in the next part.

Well hi there Queen of Aces! I missed you. <g> Glad to know you're still reading! I loved your postulations about Dan perhaps using Nirvana on Lois... I get all giddy when I read the readers thoughts and guesses about what's going on. <g> Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi James!!!

and my muse is banging on the backdoor with ideas to get me out of my writer's block.
Oooooh, does this mean I can be expecting a new part to beta soon?

Something smells fishy? Really? What did you eat for dinner? goofy

Glad you liked Mandy - thanks for the fdk, James!

Thanks again everyone! Seriously (and I'm sure I speak for Sue too) we love all the fdk... after all, fdk is the main staple in a muse's diet... and mine feels fat and well-fed now. goofy

I hope to have part 14 out if not late this evening, then sometime tomorrow. It's almost ready. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.