You didn't lose me! I love A-plots, as long as they go along with B-plots, because A and B just go together! laugh

Actually, I thought I'd left feedback already, but I must have read this part and didn't have time to comment. Sometimes I get a little confused when I'm trying to follow several different stories.

I have the same questions about Dr. Peterson as everyone else. Something is not right about that guy.

It should be funny to watch Dan's reaction when Lois blows hot and cold with him. One minute she's tolerating his company and is polite, the next minute she's down right short and rude with him. And he has no idea that it's because she can't remember from day to day, other than what's written in her diary. Should make for some interesting reading.

Great job! Can't wait to read more!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.