Smirky I saw your note about missing some of your regular reviewers. I deeply apologize if you were watching for me - doubtful, I don't say anything that memorable... but I still apologize for being late to the party. I've been out on vacation and RL has been a real...

Um, so anyway, I of course adored the last two chapters. They ripped me apart when I finally got to read them, and I seriously thought about hiring a private eye to track you down so I could beat you with a blunt instrument for not allowing Clark the peace of mind to tell Lois his secret...

But I promised I was along for the ride, so I threw the private eye's number away and hid all my blunt instruments (and chainsaws) and I wait in expectation for the next part.

-- DJ laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.