Nancy - no, no, don't worry. smile I saw your e-mail after I saw your post and besides, the thought never crossed my mind that you were saying I should change it. or anything of the sort, seriously. I swear!

I didn't mean to come across rudely or anything of the sort either. Sorry if I did. (that's what I get for answering posts while I'm at the office: concentration isn't what it should be...) I was just saying, it's one of the things I left out cause - as amusing as it is, really - it always bugged me that they had the mayor say that in the first place.

As for the whole going nuts cause you get called somethine you don't like, well... *lol* I used to wear my hair very short when I was in my 20's and I'm quite tall for a girl (5'10"), well, believe it or not, people that would come up to me from behind (ie: not seeing my face and other obvious female attributes) would almost always call me "sir", no matter what I was wearing at the time. I had a lady once that called me "sir" a few times until she saw my face even though I was wearing a very obvious mini-skirt with thigh-high boots... ok, granted I was in the part of town they call "the village" (where the majority of the population is gay) but still... I look plenty female, just I guess from the back, I look like a dude. *lol* It used to offend me soooooooo much back then... Nowadays, I just turn around and smile and giggle as they realize they were wrong.

Part 2 will be coming up in a couple days, I've got someone checking it for proper use of the English language right now. It won't be long. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies