Wow! I wasn't expecting so many comments on a repost! smile It's wonderful to have so many readers, both "old" (i.e. disappointed from a few months ago) and new, excited about the story!

The teaser got a number of people wondering:
Guess we'll have to find out just what this is all about.

and as for teasing cliffhanger at the beginning [Eek!]

Obviously I'm as curious as everyone else to know just what Lois found in Clark's apartment.

desperate once again to know just what Lois found under that ficus.

I can't wait to find out what Lois found. [Dizzy]
Fortunately, you won't have much longer to wait...

Some people had predictions:
Lets see the next part, where Lois kill the ficus. [Rotflol]
LOL, Maria! You don't trust Lois any more than Clark does, hmm? We'll have to see if your opinion is justified...

And I'm certain that Lois is upset at Clark having killed the ficus, neglecting it as soon as he got it. Shame on him!
No comment, Pam. <g>

There were lots of quotes of favourite bits, which are very useful as well as flattering. blush Reluctantly, though, I have to pass on the kudos for the image of Superman with a little watering can to KathyB. dizzy Well, this time Tank loses out. Tank, for Lois's pov and haircut, you can always go and re-read Image. wink

KathyM has a question:
Since Clark had to give Lois his keys...If "Superman" had to drop by Clark's apartment while Clark was in Europe (to shower after a rescue, or pick up an extra Suit, for example), has it ever been established in fanfic that he leaves his balcony door unlocked, or would he have to break in? Just curious...
Well, you'll see my take on it shortly. smile I'd just like to add that many fanfics have also had Clark stashing a spare front door key somewhere astoundingly obvious, like under the doormat or over the lintel.

There's one more thing everyone seems to agree on...
More soon!
More very soon please!!
I hope the next parts follow swiftly!
Thanks for the repost, Meredith, now give us part 2!!!
This is great! Now... I hear there's a part 2...? [Wildguy]
Now you have to post the rest soon, cause even us lurkers are posting!! [Wink]
Please post the next part soon. [Wildguy]
What Annette said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Wildguy] [Wildguy] [Wildguy] [Wildguy] [Wildguy]
*Gulp!* Well, I'm delighted to have drawn a couple of lurkers out of the woodwork (welcome, Another_Anna and Another Vicki!) But, if you'll excuse me... I think there's, um, something I need to do right now, before the disembowelling shears come out...


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge