I've had little time for the boards lately, but was glad to come back today and see you reposting this, Meredith. I hope the next parts follow swiftly!

I love this, Clark almost spilling his coffee when Lois said she missed him, Lois putting her perfume on the pillow so that he wouldn't be thinking about blonde stewardesses, and, of course, the kiss. Just lovely...
She met his eyes, and saw that they had turned serious. The emotion there made her heart beat suddenly faster. "Thanks... for everything," he said huskily.

Ever so slowly, he bent towards her. His eyes flickered downwards, and Lois knew this time he was going to kiss her goodbye; but he was giving her the opportunity to turn her head slightly and present her cheek if she wanted to. Instead, she turned her face up to his and waited.

His lips brushed across hers, and for a moment she feared that he would pull away; then her eyes fluttered closed as his warm mouth covered hers, his lips pressing softly against hers for a blissful moment. Then he was straightening, his hand coming up to cup her cheek gently.

"Goodbye, Lois," he said, sounding as breathless as she felt. "I'll... I'll call you."
Obviously I'm as curious as everyone else to know just what Lois found in Clark's apartment. Unfortunately, it looks like she's temporarily forgotten some of these feelings of love that have washed over her in recent days...

And I do have a question. Since Clark had to give Lois his keys...If "Superman" had to drop by Clark's apartment while Clark was in Europe (to shower after a rescue, or pick up an extra Suit, for example), has it ever been established in fanfic that he leaves his balcony door unlocked, or would he have to break in? Just curious... smile


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5