sorry, annette. you may be top woman on the boards totem pole, but even you can't hold a comments thread hostage.

mere, this was great. i read it the first time around, but my memory is fuzzy enough that it seemed new this time. laugh

you've done such a good job with this. sweet and waffy and romantic and all, but with those lovely little humorous details, like clark's taking the stairs. nice touch with him being afraid of the plane, too. oh, and good use of his language skills.

and this...

Superman water your plants?" She stared at him incredulously. She had a sudden mental image of the superhero walking solemnly around Clark's apartment with a little plastic watering can, but she suppressed the wild laughter that threatened to bubble out of her. "Clark, Superman has much better things to do. Come on, give me your keys."
poor clark, though. as if he wasn't going to be nuts enough sitting in a plane, now his super nose has to live with a constant subtle reminder of lois.

good to see the ficus, too. great title, btw. smile

looking forward to seeing the next part and playing "count the birthdays." smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.