Originally Posted by CarolD
Yes, I already read it but I can't find the next part. It's very strange to know that there is a Clark and a Kal El but they are not the same person. Sorry if something is written wrong.

Your English is wonderful! Thank you so much for all the feedback and for being here smile

The reason you probably can't find the next story in the series is because it's nfic only (contains, ahm, adult content wink ). I should have mentioned that in my last post. If that's your thing, here's the TOC for Friends: https://www.lcficmbs.com/ubb/ubbthreads.php/topics/296179/destined-friends-by-superbek-complete

You'll have to request a password for access to the nfic forums.

And yes...it's quite different, this AU!!

Thanks again for reading so far!
