Hi Bek!
/Eyes other Bek story warily/ you like fierce competition, do you?

The crystal had been programmed with the exact location to which the spaceship would navigate and the take-off and landing protocols; Kal would have to do nothing.
/Names the crystal ‘L.O.I.S’/

. He would miss her. He would miss his mother dearly.
It’s just two days. They really don’t have enough room for two more adults?

“Tell me one more time, my son. What is it that you will say once you reach Earth?
“Kneel before the House of El!”

And I would also like to pet your cat.”
laugh /waits for Kal to land on the Daily Planet roof/
Goofer CAT: Meow, he sure can pet me!

one-meter tall monster with a long tail covered in iridescent scales, large glassy eyes with slitted pupils, hooked claws for feet, and red and green feathers covering its thick body.
That’s a baby basilisk.

Other times, he imagined something a little less grand—for example, a creature small enough to hold in one hand, covered in a thick, soft layer of fur. He hoped for the former; it sounded more interesting.

His mother nodded and held his gaze for a few
You know, without his parents understanding what he's saying, I wonder just how bad his English really is. There’s literally no feedback!

Now, as he stood watching his parents converse about whether the hyperjump system would function properly given the added weight of the pack Kal planned to bring with him
Ah, so you planned for extra weight. If Clark forewent his pack and had lost his muscle tone, would Lara have had room?

Keeping in peak physical condition would be important for surviving the trip to Earth, Jor-El said.

and Kin-Ra.
Is he a kinsman on his mother’s side?

“I am Kal-El of Krypton. My mother and father were Jor-El and La-Ra. Our planet exploded and now I have no home. I was Kal-El of Krypton. Now, I am Kal-El of…nowhere.”
Awwww…and a bunny: what if the ship broke apart on impact and he looses his memory?

“Kal-El of no place,”
“Smallville.” According to Lois, that’s not a place.

would like a light…a lantern. I did not bring a lantern with me. Do you have a lantern?”
He should use ‘torch’ in combination with lighting up the park. Or a room. “I can torch that room for you” is a common phrase in English.

And I am an orphan.”
Who has never been petted by a cat.

English word for a child whose parents had died, but he found he did not really want to know

He thought about Za-Ra
So, is she related to kin-Ra and La-Ra? Are the children all cousins?

This is fear, he thought, automatically using English rather than Kandorian. The Kandorian language had no word for “fear”; the closest equivalent was probably “apprehension,” but that did not quite fit the emotion Kal felt.
I like all those little bits of details sprinkled in this way clap wonderful work!

He held the crystal up to inspect it. The small, clear crystal captured and refracted the dim light entering the room through a small window along the upper edge of the wall, sending a ribbon of rainbow colors cascading along the white floor near Kal’s feet.
I hope to not end up quoting the entire story…

“I am Kal-El of Krypton. I leave for Earth in four days. And please may I…pet your cat.”
:mercy: His cat petting is getting more desperate.

but in these bits and pieces, he heard an underlying mistrust of the official statement released by the Council assuring the populace that they had nothing to worry about.
I wonder why the mistrust…

“The shaking is merely the tectonic plates realigning and should not cause any alarm,” the statement had said.
That’s true. Only once the alignment fails, there is reason to worry.

Even Nor-Zod, son of retiring Supreme Ruler Dru-Zod,

English had a word for the drink—“tea,” he recalled. He gazed blankly at his plate as he imagined what “tea” on Earth might taste like. Would they have plain “teas,” like the brown leaf tea he usually drank? And spicy “teas,” like this, his favorite, made from special herbs or plants?

Your explanation has reassured me, and I will now go back to my family and give them the news that all will be well. Please accept my words of appreciation, Young Lord Kal-El.”
Ho, boy. I see a massive guilt complex in his future. Although, explaining why Nightfall isn’t so dangerous after all will be a breeze now.

“They do not all know you like I do, Kal,” Drek said informally, his voice low. “They do not know that at least part of your explanation was fabricated.”

“It is true, Drek, that I have been preoccupied as of late,” Kal admitted quietly. He kept his expression carefully controlled and thought quickly for an explanation that would appease his friend.
How about: my mind was preoccupied with a woman I wish to keep in my heart for the rest of my life. And even though I am promised to the young Lady Za-Ra, I know that she can never replace this special woman in my heart.

They do not even know they will not survive, Kal thought, again switching to Kandorian when he did not know the English word for “survive.”
“Lois”. They use “Lois” when they mean “able to continue breathing”. You can get even modify it, e.g. “Lois safe” means restarting a stopped heart.

His jaw tightened as he corrected the sentence using a word he did know. They do not even know they will all die.
Awwww… so sadly poignant.

“I have four days. Mother?”

“I am not ready. I have four days still!”
And that’s why you send them away as a baby – much less tantrum.

“I am not ready. I have four days still!” The words were spoken in English, although he had not meant them to be, and he backed up another step and repeated the words in Kandorian. “I am not ready. I have four days still! Mother?”

“You must be brave, my son, for great things lie ahead
Like a 250k story.

Find new friends and experience new things
Ooooh, *that’s* how things twisted off from the main road.

and build yourself into the great man I know you can become.
Yes, Kal, English has multiple words for both “great” and “person”, among them “ultra”, “super”, fantastic”, and “great”. And to the other, traditionally you can use both “man” and “woman” depending on context.

And most of all, my dear son, remember that you are Lord Kal of the House of El of the planet Krypton.
So, make sure to remember you are their superior and I they should serve and obey.

Do not forget our family crest, which is a symbol of hope, and do not forget yourself.”
Will he wear the traditional black garb or will he dress up as a court jester?

and looked up at his parents in alarm. A crevasse had opened up between them, separating him from his parents.
So poignant!

He turned back to his parents. The crevasse had grown to about two meters across.
That’s just the hangar opening up so the ship can launch.

Welcome, Young Lord Kal-El. Please press the ignition to initiate the launch start sequence.”
Ooooh, simple enough that a trained monkey can do it. Maybe he does have a chance!

the ship rotated and launched heavenward as its passenger screwed his eyes shut, clasped his hands together, and screamed with grief.
He’s not gonna enjoy rollercoasters. Or Lois's driving.

once his home explode in a blinding flash behind him,
/pst/ wouldn’t it actually shear apart with some jets of lava and a lot of ruble and dust?

. He should use the time to study English more. But he could not convince himself to do anything.
How about counting. He hasn’t practiced counting yet. One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep.

It was perfect; a full bloom with three broad leaves underneath the multiple thick layers of round white petals.
Ah, that’s the one!

He closed his eyes, dropped his chin to his chest, and let the silence and darkness envelop him.
So sad. Is it okay if I did not miss Lois?
LOIS: No. That’s not okay. Can you believe that reader? He doesn’t miss me interacting with Clark. What's next? Clones? Unbelievable. I’m outta here. Come see me when he gets to Earth and meets me in the woods while I’m at journalism camp.

I really enjoyed your Kryptonian worldbuilding. The huge effort reminds me of Female Hawk’s The Wedlock Wall (on the dark side) and for naughty fun, TeeeJ’s The Care and Training of Concubines. /considers to sometime in the future to start begging Bek to Beta once Evil Reader gets back to Evil Writing and continues The Man Who Would Be King given her master class in Kryptonian stuff/

I also noticed your casual mention of Nor-Zod and how Clark hasn’t seen him. I think he’ll also show up down the road.

wave Michael

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