Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Oh boy, that was...intense, to say the least! Poor Kal, indeed. HE probally wouldn't be "ready", like, ever, but still...being cut off like that...ouch.

Right?!? Poor Kal!! whinging

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
I have to honestly say, I really don't like this versionf of Jor-El and La-ra TBH. I get the sense that they care for Kal in their own sense but the way they treat him here, forcing him to lie to everyone and are rather cold, ignoring his obvious pain an dwishes to spend some quality time despite knowing it will all end, is just painful. Kal is clearly not as emotionally shut-down as it's expected from your typical Kryptonian, for whatever reason. Maybe, he'll find that Earth is ultimately a better ground for him...even if he will certainly feel quite lost for a while.

Definitely, this Jor-El and La-Ra are different because my version of Krypton is a society devoid of a lot of emotions. And yes, Kal is again unique in that sense, but he's also being pushed to feel things that he's never felt before, and he doesn't suppress everything quite as much as the others do (at least, and especially, not toward the end).

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Yeah, that distrust (rightfully) and Kal having to stand up and lie for corrupt assholes and Jor-El deciding to go "in on it" was really hard for him, I can see that. Especially given what happened right afterwards. Like wow, damn.

Kal was certainly put in an impossible situation. whinging

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Also, why do I get the feeling that Nor-Zod being suspiciously absent getting a big mention, will come back later in some form to bite?...

Interesting thought! But nah, he's just not around.

Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
So Kal is going to Earth now...finally...with all the emotional baggage and a Kryptonian cultural background...lots of stuff to work through, no (legal) identity yet, no perspective...that will be a rollercoaster for sure. Although, with any luck, he'll meet the Kents who may provide some help along the way...and may also be able to introduce him to the fascinating species of cats one day...
Now going off to read the final part.

Yes! And I'll move right onto your fdk on the last chapter of Journey now!

Thank you so much for all your comments! I love reading it all!
