Originally Posted by CarolD
Poor Kal, he lost the 4 days, he lost his parents, he lost everything. I'm crying for him.
This chapter broke my heart. whinging

GAHHH whinging

This chapter was heartbreaking, for sure. It's always something I've wondered...how Kal-El would have felt had he been the sole survivor of Krypton, but old enough to remember everything (and to not have grown up with developing superpowers, but to have them show up when he's already almost an adult). The rest of my Destined series explores that (more in part 3, Legacy, than in part 2, Friends)... But if you've read chapter 4 of Journey here already, then you know I made some pretty big changes to canon also wink Hope you read on, I think it's a great story!

Thanks again for reading!!
