Originally Posted by JadedEvie
She felt her future slide indelibly into place.

With the confidence of someone who knew firsthand that impossible things could be made real, she said, “We’ll come up with something.”

And that’s exactly what they did.

That's it?

That's IT?!

I understand that the whole point was to get Clark and Lois back together, which you did in a masterful fashion. But to end it with "They came up with something?!" As much as I enjoyed the balance of this tale, the whole journey from Lois' pain to her reasonable self-control and deliberate decision to waste no more time, the end came too soon for me. I want to know what impossibly brilliant and convincing story made the entire city believe that Clark a) came back from the dead b) was in hiding for his own protection c) was seriously wounded and needed extensive surgical repairs and physical therapy AND that Lois Lane didn't know any of it?

Maybe I'm too grounded to suspend that part of my disbelief. I just know that I loved every single word of this story until the last sentence. I feel like I tried to step on level ground but found that it was a foot deeper than I'd thought and I tripped and bruised something special.

And I'm sure that few if any others will feel this way. So ignore me as a crusty septuagenarian who has outlived his romantic fantasies if you wish.

I'm sure you'll be nominated for a Kerth next year. The story is quite original and compelling. It shows Lois as a competent if guilt-driven and grief-soaked warrior for justice who gets what she wants the most in her life when she's sure it can't happen. Overall, this is an excellent tale well-told. Thank you for allowing me to share it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing