Hi Jelly!

Glad you enjoyed the story! It was a blast to write and I'm so glad the darkness didn't turn people away. And I appreciate that you liked my little nitpicks of the cummerbund and Bat Signal. The signal thing has bothered me for a long time. (Gotham must live in a mystical land of perpetual fog and clouds.)

I had to laugh at the payphone thing. My husband and I took a little weekend vacation 3 summers ago for our 10th anniversary, sans kiddos, and saw a payphone in the shopping center near our hotel. We had to take a pic and called it an ancient artifact. Made me wonder at what point it became common to NOT see them around. Seemed like they were abundant in one moment and gone the next. Ah, the wonders of getting lost in new technology.

As for the dash thing...I've seen it a few times before. But the first time I read about it was when I got the Letters From The Labyrinth cd from the Trans Siberian Orchestra. They always have a story that corresponds to the songs and part of it was about a class that is making etchings of gravestones. The start discussing the dash between the dates and how it represents an entire life, and isn't just a divider between the birth and death dates. It was a really, really powerful explanation that stuck with me.

Glad you liked the lasso line. I really liked The Flash in the JL cartoon when I watched it with my girls a couple of years back. It felt just so right for Barry to say!

Thanks again for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon