Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Excellent wrap-up, DC, with two little niggles (which I will mention later).

I'm glad Diana was there with her "magic" Lasso of Truth. Luthor's confession might not be allowed as actual evidence in his trials (yes, plural!), but the whole country and much of the world heard it. The jurors will probably be instructed to disregard it, but there's no way anyone could hear all that and pretend not to have heard. It's too bad Clark's secret got exposed at the same time, but if the public knows that Luthor was the one responsible for Superman's untimely exit from public life, the bulk of opinion will be sympathetic to him. So it worked out very well after all.

Loved GL's batting practice. I wonder if that Lantern-force ball will survive long enough for the kryptonite to enter the sun's gravitational field. If so, it's gone forever, and none of the Kent descendants will be at risk should any of them venture out into local space. If not, well, there's one of your sequel plot bunnies.

I'm happy for the glimpse of Clark's and Lois' home life. They're obviously so thankful for each other that friction between them is kept to a minimum, not to mention their ages (they're both heading for that dreaded half-century mark). And they're fertile together! Yay!

But you're still evil, DC. Triplets? They're going to have to deal with three super-powered teens at the same time?? Yikes. Normal teens are bad enough - worse than the terrible twos (which won't be a picnic either). I can understand giving them a full set of kids before Lois ages out, but seriously, three at once? Now Lois and Clark are both pretty much home-bound. The scene of Lois and Clark changing and feeding the kids was very sweet, but it's something that will rewind and repeat for a couple of years, not to mention day care, school, athletics (will Superman's kids even be allowed to participate?), dating (I hope they grow into respectful and polite teens or they'll never get decent dates), driver's education and licenses, all the minutia of life that Clark could have avoided. That's niggle #1. Definitely not a deal-breaker, though - it fits into the story flow very well.

Niggle #2: Where's Nigel? Surely he didn't escape justice! Where'd he go? Did he die of unnatural causes? Did he sense the end was near and disappear? Did he turn states' evidence? Inquiring minds want to know!

Very good. The whole thing was tense, from start to finish, with lots of angst and anger and frustration and Luthor (almost) getting away with it. Kerth-nom worthy, for certain. I'm pretty sure I'll toss this one in the kitty.

Don't want to wait for the next one! Post it soon!

I DID warn you that I did evil things! devil But hey, parents of higher order multiples ARE heroes! Especially those without powers to help them. wink But, who knows? The kids might have 3 VERY different personalities. With my twins, one became a three-nager at a year old and the other remained completely chill (was chill in the womb too). At 6 1/2, they are still very different - one is very boisterous and outgoing, the other shy and quiet. Check on me in another 6 years as teenagehood starts though. goofy Lois and Clark are in for a heck of a ride though. I can envision all three of those kiddos at four or five years old all piled into just one of their beds. (Mine still sleep over in each other's beds.) As hard as multiples can be, Lois and Clark are in for some super sweet moments and will get to witness an incredible bond. So...maybe I'm not ENTIRELY evil? goofy

Of course Diana knows the confession would be thrown out in court (would that be considered confession under duress?) but hey, it instantly destroyed any defense Luthor might try to mount. I'm sure GL and friends made sure that particular piece of green K is out of reach forever.

Where IS Nigel? Hmmm... evil I suspect that, like all rats, he knew when to abandon a sinking ship. He's too old to go after Lois and Clark himself and he's too smart to even try to hire an assassin on his own. He's already implicated in Luthor's crimes (off page but you KNOW Luthor is going to throw EVERYONE else under the bus with him). He'll want to lay low and try to disappear from sight. Of course, if the muse gets the urge....well... huh

Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for coming on this dark, twisted ride with me.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon