Originally posted by TOC:
...Deathfics are the worst kind of Lois and Clark stories I can think of. Deat-of-Lois fics are, for me, the very, very worst kind of deathfics. Now, if you heap so much praise on a death-of-Lois story, maybe many others will be really inspired to write one too. Maybe the death-of-Lois stories will become one of the most important subgenres of Lois and Clark fanfiction. Maybe there will be so many stories about a bereaved Clark that a lot of people will feel the need to pair poor Clark off with another woman, just to cheer him up a bit...

Granted, I did write this piece to be emotionally impacting. However, I chose the scenario I wrote carefully. It wasn't just the death of Lois I wanted to tell, and to me that was only secondary, instead it was a betrayal towards Clark himself. All of his life he had believed in the Justice system, had fought for and beside it with little thought for himself. He had nearly left Metroplois because of it. Even when he saw the unfairness it could have, he never once lost faith.

I said before that the point of the story isn't the death of Lois. Granted it seems that way with how I wrote it, but really the main purpose here is as the title indicates. The betrayal of the Justice system towards Clark in taking away the only thing more important to him, with the possible exception of his parents. Should Lois have been killed during a stakeout or in pursuit of a story or some other fashion, yes he would have grieved, yes he would have been torn apart, but he would have been able to go on. However, its my personal belief that that had things gone the way they did in my story, he would have been lost. I believe its because of this, not the death of his wife, that is the reason this story has recieved as much feedback as it had. (If I'm wrong here, someone please let me know)

As for my writing this just to make Clark more interesting, I have to disagree. Many people probably don't agree with me, but LnC's version of Clark Kent is perhaps the most interesting version of the 'normal' side of the Kryptonian. Granted I haven't read much of the comics, but in much of what I've seen in other versions Clark Kent was more the shadow, while Superman was the dominant persona. Here, the two are more balanced if not tipped in favor of the reporter.

Anyhoo, I hope that clears up my intentions with the story. smile

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*