This was chilling, and frightening, and so very very sad. I have no problem whatsoever with reading fics that involve character death because let's face's fanfiction, which means they are never gone for good. We can always write another fic in which they are happy, healthy and content.

So kudos for exploring something that isn't usually done in this particular fandom. I found Clark's reactions to be right on, but what I enjoyed most about it was that her death wasn't random. You didn't kill just Lois and you didn't kill her off just to see what Clark would do. I think we all know how Lois' death would destroy him, so that part of it is no surprise (though it's written beautifully). What you did kill even more importantly was Clark's sense of security...his sense of justice and his sense of right and wrong.

These are things he was raised with and taught to believe would always win out. He was taught that justice would always prevail and has never used his powers to interfere with that process (well except for during the heat wave, but you get my point).

Two very precious things died for Clark in this story and you showed both of them beautifully, poignantly and tragically.

I loves me my angst! wink


Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."