Chapter 6:

“I need to have Jimmy run a background check on her,” Lois stated firmly.

“You’re not running a background check on Cat,” Clark interjected.
Clark is playing Lois' conscience, as usual. laugh What a good guy.

Cat grinned to herself, recalling the conversation she’d overheard after the story had been filed. Lois had begrudgingly admitted to having a microscopic attraction to him. How times had changed. It was lucky they both hadn’t been ….

‘Are you really going to drug him just to help Sam?’

‘He was a good friend.’

‘Is it really worth it?’
*sings off-key* And always let your conscience be your guide!

Valid points, though, Cat.

Jimmy sat at his desk, writing down the name and information as Lois rambled off the list of information she wanted on ‘Samantha Grady.’ He recognized the name immediately but didn’t say anything. After Superman’s press conference Lois had been extra skittish and more self-conscious. He wasn’t sure if it was from having her and Clark’s private life dissected by the media or if there was more going on than met the eye but he knew better than to pry.
Jimmy is such a good friend to them and rarely gets such credit. Kudos.

“Mr. McCoy,” The sweet voice from one of the most deadly women in Metropolis called out to him and he turned to face her.
laugh Great contrast for Mindy, wonderful description.

He pointed to the transcript. “Bruno Mannheim.”
*screeching halt* WHaT?! Bruno Mannheim? Bruno Mannheim?!
/side eyes the author, no longer sure where this story is headed in the next four chapters/

She’d always felt on uneven ground when it came to Lois Lane.
This whole introspective paragraph of Cat's is beautifully done. Very sad that she felt the need to compete so, both of them really. But very well done.

She couldn’t do it. She had thought about it and come close but when it came down to it she couldn’t justify drugging Clark for the sake of proving her theory. Even if he was lying to everyone and Lois was helping him he had been her friend. He had seen past the flashy clothes and seen the real Cat—even when she couldn’t. Stooping to that level seemed extreme.
Aww, Cat being a softy.

He’d been told his cellmate was someone they thought to be important to the Intergang organization. That idea baffled him. The man hardly said anything and communicated in grunts and muffled snorts. He wasn’t sure how connected this Morgan was but he’d figure it out one way or another.
Morgan... as in Edge? Hmmmm. First Bruno, and now Morgan... What's going on around here?

“All I gotta do is spray the bottle when Superman comes down the hall. That’s it?” The red-haired boy asked skeptically.

“That’s it.” She grinned back at him.
lol I gotta say, I love the way Cat's mind works.

Another great chapter! I hope at the end of the Lois and Cat are able to resolve some of their issues at least, and I secretly hope Cat discovers the secret, but doesn't out Clark for it. We'll have to wait and see... later, unfortunately. Gotta go spend *some* time not staring at a computer screen, apparently.

Be back for chapter 7 later tonight hopefully!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain