Hola! wave

The fact that he could only resist Lois for short periods of time was a secret Clark guarded nearly as closely as Superman's identity. He had done his best to get out of his apartment before Lois could tempt him into staying longer. Flirting with her was one thing but seeing his normally unflappable partner vulnerable and teary-eyed brought out every protective instinct he possessed.
Very good point to highlight here. It makes his reactions as Superman much more realistic, and helps show just how *Clark* he is, even when he's trying so hard to stay in-character as Superman.

trying unsuccessfully to stop himself from wondering if Lois had put on that t-shirt yet. Was she sitting on his couch, watching television? Was she on his bed and reading a book? Even better, was she stretched out across his bed again and whispering his name? Or maybe she was walking around barelegged in his apartment at this very moment. He could picture her opening the fridge or walking along his bookshelves, her head tipped back as she browsed through the titles on the highest shelf. Would she go on tiptoe to pull one down for a closer look? He could perfectly imagine the taut line of her legs and how the shirt would rise as she lifted her arms. How much of her legs did it reveal? If he was there would he catch a glimpse of her panties?
I was going to start this out as teasing, but this got incrementally hotter as his mental list went on. *fans self* He was one stray thought away from a rating bump. drool

or a body that made desire well up in him like a spring

/naughty giggles/

She could have Superman; he just had to be willing to take the deception that far.
shock Wow. That t-shirt idea must have done a number on him if he's halfway down that mental path already. Whoa, Clarkie. Slow your roll. I think he'd combust on the spot if Lois had said she'd sleep in her underwear haha.

He couldn't do it. Not now. Not tonight. Not when the rest of her world was crumbling around her.
There he is! Brains triumphs over... uh...

Clark had the momentary satisfaction of seeing both Luthor and Mrs. Cox slack-jawed in astonishment. A few seconds later their expressions simultaneously shifted to masks of pleasant indifference.
Love, love, LOVE this bit. This whole scene, actually. This whole chapter, actually, but Clark's actions and Luthor's reaction were so perfectly on point that I don't even have the words. Besides all the words you just read.

"Please be careful, Superman," Luthor called out. "It would be tragic if anything should happen to you."
*shudders* Burn in hell, Mr. Luthor!
OFF-SCREEN: she never says that

laugh No? No to the "What About Bob" reference? *shrugs* No big deal. Moving on.

Equal parts irritation and embarrassment coursed through her as she lifted the receiver. "He told you? Superman told you I was here? He promised me he wouldn't tell you!"

There was a short pause and then Clark cleared his throat. "I doubt he promised you that."

Haha, busted. goofy I might have to ask the court reporter to read me back the previous chapter, but he at the very least came close to promising that.

"You do realize that, so far, you've lived a pretty fulfilling life without knowing either one of those things. Why does it matter who I'm in love with or what Superman wears to bed?"

For the sake of not just copying and pasting the whole chapter into quotes, I just selected this line, but this entire section was absolute perfection. Their banter is precise, and so very clearly in their own voices. I love that he tells her Superman sleeps in his boxers, even though he could have made up anything (in particular something unattractive... like Superman sleeps in a cocoon of his own goo).

"He stopped by earlier when I was picking out my pajamas. But he made me promise never to tell you. I guess he thought it would prey upon your imagination."
In a chapter full of great lines, I love this line the most. laugh Also, Clark can't say it hasn't been preying on his imagination (see above).

"Which phone are you using?"

lol Sneaky, Clark. Very, very sneaky.

He couldn't think of any other explanation for finding her on his bed earlier tonight, whispering his name in that dreamy, wistful way. Her reaction at being caught had certainly made it seem less than innocent. Not to mention the way she'd said good night to him.
Yep, lots to prey on the imagination, Kent. devil Big Blue should not have told you all that stuff. Oh wait...

GREAT chapter! Will jump into FDK for 6 tomorrow!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain